This page contains instructions for authors for submitting camera-ready final manuscript papers for publication in the proceedings of CSC 2011. If you have any questions related to publications, please contact the Publication Chair, Chuan Wu.

Important Dates

  • Camera-ready papers due: 11:59pm EDT Oct. 29, 2011.

In order for your paper to be included in CSC 2011 conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, you need to complete these three steps:
      1. Formatting and verification of IEEE Xplore® compliance via PDF eXpress Plus
      2. Uploading your paper via IEEE PDF eXpress Plus
      3. Submitting your copyright form

1. Formatting and IEEE Xplore® Compliance

Your accepted paper will appear on IEEE Xplore® - the IEEE Digital Library, and it is important that your submitted PDF file meets the specification for IEEE Xplore®. Failing to submit an IEEE Xplore® compatible PDF file may result in the file not being included in the conference proceedings. Please refer to the IEEE document "Simplified Requirements for Creating PDF Files for IEEE Xplore®" for more information.

The following information is intended to guide you on formatting your final paper, ensuring your PDF file is IEEE Xplore® compliant.

Page Limit

The page limit for main conference papers is 8 pages. At most two extra pages are allowed with USD100 fee for each extra page. The extra page fee needs to be paid together with the registratioon fee.


Please follow the stardard IEEE template as the below:


Microsoft Word 97/2000
(DOC Format)

(Archive Contents)

(Bibliography Files)

US letter






Please note that you should prepare the final manuscript with no page numbering.

Verification of IEEE Xplore® Compliance via PDF eXpressTM Plus

In order to assure that your submitted pdf file is IEEE Xplore® compliant, it must pass the IEEE PDF eXpressTM Plus check.

We strongly recommend that all final submissions be created using the IEEE PDF eXpressTM service. The IEEE PDF eXpressTM service can convert your paper from a wide range of formats to IEEE xplore®-compatible pdfs. the service is free of charge for CSC 2011 authors and can be accessed using the following information:

  • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpressTM plus login page
  • Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information. you will need the conference id (csc11xp)
  • You can find more detailed instructions on using IEEE PDF eXpressTM Plus here
2. Submitting your Final Manuscript

Once you are satisfied with the final manuscript after formatted and checked by IEEE PDF eXpress TM Plus, then log into your IEEE PDF eXpressTM Plus account and approve your PDF for our collection.

3. IEEE Copyright Form

Authors are required to transfer the copyright of their accepted papers to IEEE. This form is available here in: Word and PDF. Please fill out (title, author names and IEEE publication title) and sign the form, then scan it into a PDF file, and mail it to the Publication Chair at

For the IEEE Publication Title in the Copyright form, please fill in

2011 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing


You must approve your camera-ready paper PDF in your IEEE PDF eXpressTM Plus account, and email the signed IEEE copyright form to us no later than Oct. 29, 2011 11:59pm EDT. If you fail to comply, the paper will NOT be published in the proceedings. (Though you may see a different deadline on IEEE PDF eXpressTM Plus, please comply with the deadline here on this webpage.)

ONE Full registration must be paid for EACH paper to be published in the proceedings. See more registration information.

IEEE reserves the right to exclude or remove a paper from the proceedings if the paper is not presented at the conference.